Lawyer of the Week, Episode 12, South Africa
Humanitarian Rights Can Be a Big Job, Especially in South Africa, Our Lawyer of the Week Tells Us Why
Dr. Jeanne-Mari Reteif
Human Rights Consultant / Attorney
Interview Transcript
Pamela: Hello my name is Pamela DeNeuve and I’d like to welcome you today to Lawyer of the Week. I am very pleased today to have Jeanne-Mari Retief today. How are you Jeanne-Mari?
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: I’m very good. Thank you so much for having me
Pamela: Jeanne-Mari is in South Africa and so we’re very, happy that she made some time to be the Lawyer of the Week.
Let me just tell you a little bit about Jeanne-Mari
Jeanne-Mari is an admitted attorney and specializes in the development of international human rights and constitutional law. She has successfully completed legal projects for various key stakeholders in the global legal arena and is known for her creative and passionate approach to the evolution of a modern legal profession. She has assisted law firms with team restructuring and is called upon to evaluate the strengths members could bring to the team, prior to appointment.
She founded CALIBRICS in 2012 and has since published in various accredited journals and has presented papers related to international human rights and humanitarian law both at home and abroad. She serves as foreign liaison to the organized legal profession and is a proud member of the KAS expert group on international criminal justice. She holds a Ph.D. in International Humanitarian and Criminal Law.
Pamela: Welcome Jeanne-Mari!
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: Thank you so much for having me I hope I can contribute something valuable.
Pamela: Ok I’d like to ask you our lawyer of the week questions and the first one is when and what made you decide to become a lawyer?
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: That was actually, I think maybe pure chance or fate. I actually wanted to become a speech therapist and audiologist but I didn’t get through the interview rounds and I was very disappointed. One of my friends told me, “Well why don’t you just come and study law with us until you figure what you want to do.” I ended up being the only one graduating [Laughing] with a law degree they all went on to do different things.
Pamela: oh isn’t that something. Oh wow that’s really good. You were the one that ended up with a law degree.
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: Yes [laughing]
Pamela: Tell us about your practice and what are your biggest wins and challenges.
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: Well I ran a small practice that is basically focused on international human rights and humanitarian law and I focus a lot on Africa. I would think the biggest challenge would be, it’s not really a very well publicized field, especially in Africa.
Most of the attorneys work in commercial law conveyancing or family law, so it really is a kind of a club that you need to get into and you need to kind of get your foot in the door and that was definitely the biggest challenge for me when I started CALIBRICS.
Obviously, the biggest win for me would be that, I hope I’ve achieve it to that degree, and I hope that I can continue to broaden my field even more and meet more people and take on more projects in Africa.
Pamela: How long have you I’ve been practicing as an international human rights lawyer?
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: Well, I started in 2013 or 2012 when I opened CALIBRICS. I really started focusing on that. Prior to that I was working in legal research.
Pamela: Great! I’m sure you make a big difference all over Africa. I know you travel all the time to different locations.
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: I hope to think so. But the thing in Africa is that we have a very specific drive towards African solutions for African problems. And, this really puts us in a position where we have brilliant humanitarian and human rights instruments that are drafted and that exist. But practically implementing them always kind of seems to be the problem. So, I try and focus a lot of my effort on that and using the mechanism, the great mechanism that we already have in place and to try and make it practical and to have it implemented and to work.
Pamela: Oh great. So tell me what is the biggest opportunity that you see for you to make a legacy for your work that you’re doing, I know you’re in the beginning of it. But, if you would look back what will be the legacy you would like to leave about your work that you are doing.
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: I think I would like to leave a legacy to say that human rights, especially in Africa, is still very important and a lot of good things can come from that. I know that there are a lot of challenges that you face when you work in this field from budgetary constraints, to making good connections with people, to technological difficulties, administrative difficulties, but if you put your mind to it you really can do it. And, making a practical difference really does make a difference.
I think a lot of attorneys are very, obviously, economically driven which is fine because we all need to make a living. But, at the end of the day, I also think that we are in this profession to give back and I would like to see that happen to a greater degree.
Pamela: That’s good. OK, so one last question is what do you do to try to relieve your stress?
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: Well, it can get a bit hectic sometimes because I do travel a lot and, I have a lot on my plate. So, I always try to just be brutally honest, to myself about my situation and to acknowledge and accept that I have limitations.
Because I think sometimes, we think that we can do everything and, we tend to pile everything on and then you realize too late that it’s too much.
So just to be truthful with yourself as to what your limitations are, acknowledging those, and accepting those because it’s completely fine to have limitations and to work with those.
That’s why we have other people in the profession that have other strengths than we do, that we can sometimes rely upon. That works really well for me.
Pamela: Wonderful! Well thank you so much Jeanne-Mari and we really appreciate you being a lawyer for the week.
Dr. Jeanne-Mari: Thank you so much I really appreciate it.
Thank you for joining
Lawyer of the Week!
Pamela DeNeuve
Lawyer & Law Firm Strategist
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