How Lawyers Can Destroy Depression
Too Much Depression
Depression interferes with your health, job functions, immune system, family, and personal relationships. It destroys any hope of happiness and contentment.
There is an answer to depression, and we will find it together. We want to talk about how you can fight depression and win.
Depression is common. Millions of individuals suffer from depression. But, lawyers have become the most depressed profession.
If you are using alcohol or drugs to mask your pain, this will not work. Using substances will make things worse, not better.
Lawyers & Depression
Depression doesn’t just go away; it gets worse over time. I’ve found that many high-powered attorneys suffering from depression conceal or ignore it. Working extra long hard hours is not an answer. Stop fooling yourself by believing that it will go away
One attorney told me, “Pamela, I have never experienced peace or contentment.”
The American Bar Association, in conjunction with the Task Force For Lawyer Well-Being, promoted a pledge. Here is what the ABA has to say about the situation.
A campaign organized by the “ABA Working Group to Advance Well-Being in the Legal Profession, is designed to address the profession’s troubling rates of alcohol and other substance-use disorders, as well as mental health issues. Recent studies have documented that lawyers struggle with these problems at levels substantially above both the general population and other highly educated professionals.”
The American Psychological Association found that lawyers are almost four times more likely to suffer from depression than non-lawyers.
I have worked with over 500 lawyers during the past couple of decades. I’ve found that well over half are operating in a depressed state, if not clinically depressed.
Lawyers, it is time for you to fight back. Here are ten ways to overturn your depression.
10 Actions to Destroy Your Depression
- Admit that you are depressed. Without admitting it, you will continue to suffer.
- Talk to someone about your depression, anxiety, or stress. There is always help available.
- Assess your personal life. Are there things going on at home that exacerbate depression? It would help if you told yourself the truth. Get guidance.
- Get a physical checkup at your doctor’s office. Many times there are biological reasons for depression.
- Listen to music. Science has proven that listening to music you love helps to lift your spirits.
- Laugh each day. Find funny videos or television shows to lift your spirits.
- Go for a daily walk. Doing some exercise will help raise your endorphins.
- Make yourself smile. Stand in the mirror and spend 5 to 10 minutes only smiling at yourself in the mirror. If this makes you laugh, that is even better.
- Stop excesses, overeating, drinking too much alcohol and if you can’t stop, get help.
- Don’t suffer alone. There is nothing to be ashamed about.
You Are Not Alone
For many attorneys, the first hurdle is also the most difficult. One must admit it.
Here are some of the things I’ve heard:
“But Pamela, I have a reputation to protect. I can’t admit to any weaknesses. I am a type-A perfectionist. I am a high-profile lawyer and extremely successful. How can I be depressed?”
“My drinking doesn’t affect my work. Nobody knows about it. It’s how I relax.
Don’t Be Ashamed or Embarrassed.
Some of you reading this will be so committed to your vanity that you would rather die than admit that you have a problem. Sadly, many have lost the battle with depression for this very reason.
Depression is the most common health concern and affects 10% f the general population.
I received a call from a lawyer I’ll call Andy. “I hope you can help me. My friend spoke highly of you. I have gone to therapists, psychiatrists; I’m taking tranquilizers, but I cannot stop myself from wanting to take my own life.”
Andy had been suffering from this compulsion to harm himself for years. His suffering had become unbearable. Don’t suffer as Andy did. Get help immediately.
Today there are hotlines, therapists, and others who can help. But, they can’t help if you don’t ask.
Take Your Mental Health Seriously
You may look normal, healthy, and vigorous on the outside. But this does not mean you don’t suffer from this serious illness. Science admits that mental disorders can be as painful and as detrimental to patients as physical ailments.
You Can Beat Depression
You can BEAT depression. I make this declaration not only from a professional standpoint but also from personal experience. Only you can make the first step to help yourself out of this pit of despair. You must admit to yourself if you are depressed. Always remain vigilant for the onset of any of the symptoms discussed above.
Everyone must become thoroughly honest and search his or her own heart. Let go of your pride. You can solve and destroy depression