A Lawyer’s Greatest Asset: Their Mind
Signs of Our Times
Like everyone else, lawyers are human. Our world has faced unprecedented problems in 2020 that continue to 2021. These problems have been outside of our control and have been stressful.
Lawyers are skilled at facing difficulties. But as the pressures mount, they begin to take a toll on an attorney’s mental, physical health.
Many lawyers have been unable to do their jobs due to court closures due to Covid. I have spoken with lawyers whose law practices disappeared after 25 years in business.
The Lawyer’s Poker Face
A lawyer has been trained not to reveal their emotions. To do so would be a disaster in a courtroom, a negotiation, or a deposition. Showing any weakness could give the opposing counsel an advantage.
Many male and female lawyers take these same behaviors into their personal lives. They are always suppressing their emotions. According to Mayo Clinic, there is a diagnosis called “Male Depression.”
Questions to Consider:
- Do you feel irritable, isolated, or withdrawn?
- Do you find yourself working all the time?
- Are you drinking too much?
- Do you have difficulty sleeping?
- Do you feel sad, hopeless, or empty?
- Do you try to escape your feelings by being a workaholic?
- Do you spend too much time in front of the television?
- Are you continually scrolling the internet?
- Do you find yourself looking at porn or other X-rated sites?
- Are you overeating?
- Do you have chronic digestive problems or headaches?
- Are you always berating yourself, comparing yourself to others?
Take This 30-Day Test
Here are a few tools I give to my clients who might be hesitant to seek an outside diagnosis for depression.
Maybe you adamant about not going for outside help. Here is a simple test you can do in the privacy of your own home.
- Get a calendar.
- Rate your feelings and productivity as honestly as you can
- Do this self-evaluation for 30 days.
Here is the rating scale:
Category 1: Emotions
E-10 = You are happy, joyful, and enthusiastic with peace of mind.
E-5 = Although you feel some stress, you feel good, you enjoy life.
E-1 = You feel bleak, anxious, stressed, and frustrated.
Category 2: Work
W-10 = You are productive, enjoy working with relative ease.
W-5 = You work but have to push yourself hard to finish tasks.
W-1 = You are distracted, on the internet, not working, beating yourself up.
For thirty days, rate yourself in both categories. Write the score on your calendar daily. This is not a tool to beat yourself up. You are simply doing a self-evaluation.
At the end of the 30 days, you have information about yourself.
What Do You Notice?
If you have a 200–300, You have an overall positive outlook and enjoy your work and your family. Your life is harmonious. You probably experience overall peace of mind and goodwill.
If you have below 150 in either category, you might want to seek help. Make an appointment with your doctor or psychiatrist. Some have chosen other spiritual modalities that can be very effective.
If you have a 100 or less score, you want to seek help as soon as possible. You are in a potential emergency situation. I suggest you don’t delay.
If you have 50 or below, you want to admit that you are in a crisis and can no longer ignore the signs. To ignore these signs could result in severe consequences for you and your family.
Use it as An Experiment
This exercise is for any lawyer who keeps kicking their mental health symptoms to the curb. If you have been refusing to acknowledge that you have a problem, try this tool. This simple exercise will allow you to take positive actions towards your health and well-being.
I am not a mental health provider. Therefore, if you are having severe mental issues, please seek a psychiatrist or therapist’s help as soon as possible.
Remember, your greatest strength as a lawyer is your mental and physical health. Don’t ignore any serious symptoms of your colleagues. We will address general depression later.